Safeguarding Children
We are pleased to welcome all ages including children into the life of this church community. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children and young people are respected and valued.
We recognise our responsibility to safeguard the children and young people who attend our activities and do so by the following means: –
The church has a Safeguarding policy which is displayed in the church and is available from the church office upon request. This lists the members of the Safeguarding team and expresses our commitment to follow the guidelines for Safeguarding as set out by the Baptist Union of Great Britain in the document “Safe to Grow”. This is reviewed annually.
Trustees, organisation leaders and helpers receive Safeguarding training provided by the South East Baptist Association which is appropriate to the level of responsibility and ensures that everyone is alert to hazards or the correct way to handle an incident if it should occur.
All members of the church community are encouraged to be alert to safety and safeguarding issues.
Safeguarding Adults
We are pleased to welcome all ages including older folk and vulnerable adults into the life of this church community. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is respected and valued regardless of age or ability.
We recognise our responsibility to safeguard adults at risk who attend our activities and do so by the following means: –
The church has a Safeguarding policy which is available from the church office upon request. This lists the members of the Safeguarding team and expresses our commitment to follow the guidelines for Safeguarding Adults at Risk as set out by the Baptist Union of Great Britain in the document “Safe to Belong”. This is reviewed annually.
Trustees, organisation leaders and helpers receive Safeguarding training provided by the South East Baptist Association which is appropriate to the level of responsibility and ensures that everyone is alert to hazards or the correct way to handle an incident if it should occur.
All members of the church community are encouraged to be alert to safety and safeguarding issues.